Paul Cuffe and his team at University College Dublin have developed a number of really useful distribution tests systems which can be used in power system research. We have converted these to Spine format so they can be visualised and used within the Spine open-source energy system modelling framework.
Visualizing the energy system can be very useful to gain insight and spot issues, but also challenging from a computational point of view. In the Spine Project, we have developed a special tool called Spine Database Editor that (among other things) allows you to visualize your data as a graph of objects and relationships. Below are some examples from a few of the test power distribution networks developedhere.
Our algorithm is based on the seminal work by Paul Cuffe and is optimized to make use of vector machine instructions for a nice speedup.
We have converted the tests systems to Spine format and have made these available via a Spine Toolbox project. Some sample layouts are show below which were generated using Spine Datastore Editor.
Additionally, you can find the converted Spine sqlite files here.
Reference to original journal article: M. Mahdavi, H. H. Alhelou and P. Cuffe, “Test Distribution Systems: Network Parameters and Diagrams of Electrical Structural,” in IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, vol. 8, pp. 409-420, 2021, doi: 10.1109/OAJPE.2021.3119183. Available online here.