Combined Grid and Market Modelling
Energy Reform has developed a combined grid and market model of the future Irish power system and associated workflow that allows calculation of oversupply, curtailment and constraint according to EirGrid’s methodology. The model has been validated against EirGrids ECP 2.1 constraint reports. This capability allows Energy Reform to calulate the oversupply, curtailment and constraint impacts of clients’ projects on the future Irish system. We can cater for clients’ unique view of the future system and facilitate custom scenarios including renewable build-out by location, conventional generation build-out, future system operational rules, planned reinforcements and outages, emission targets and RES-E targets.
Additionally, our co-optimised investment, grid and market model allows us to identify the most suitable location and configuration of client projects that have the most value to the system and maximuse usage of existing transmission capacity.
Talk to us today about your unique modelling requirements.