Freely Available Spine Resources
This section contains details of freely available resources relating to the open source Spine Energy System Modelling Framework
SpineOpt Repository on Github
A highly adaptable modelling framework for multi-energy systems
3 forks.
11 stars.
79 open issues.
Recent commits:
- Update, GitHub
- include cumulated flow restrictions in make.jl, GitHub
- Merge pull request #419 from Spine-project/Cumulated_flow_restrictionsWIP: merging cumulated flows into Master, GitHub
- Update of cumulated flows docsRewriting advanced concept part to be more in line with other section, rewriting mathematical formulation, Kristof Phillips
- Docs on CO2 constraints- add maybe an example tomorrow, u0122387
Spine Toolbox Repository on Github
9 forks.
35 stars.
178 open issues.
Recent commits:
- Fix child map computation in entity trees (plus other small fixes)The child map wasn’t being refreshed after merging items into exitingone (which happens whenever the same item is in more than one db)., Manuel
- Fix refreshing scenario_alternatives after removing alternatives, Manuel
- Replace forgotten view.expand with model.fetchMore, Manuel Marin
- Fix tests on windowsIt seems that view.expand doesn’t do the job of model.fetchMore?I believe the reason why tests pass before was that items wherealready pre-fetched by hasChildren, Manuel Marin
- Fix traceback when reloading pivot table, Manuel